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Friday, 18 February 2011

open stick dribble hockey skills

  • Dribble straight when you have open space without opponents to move in. Try to keep an open stance when you have more room. The farther out from your feet the ball is, the faster you can run. This does not, however, work well with opponents that are close to you.

  • Move the inverted "V" grip of your left hand on your stick a little to the right. This shift will make the shift to the reverse stick position easier if you find you need to change the direction you are hitting the ball.

  • Keep your hands well apart on the stick - but if you get them too far apart, you will have to bend over too far and won't be able to keep an eye on the field of play.

  • Try to keep your back straight and head up with your weight balanced by positioning your feet correctly to enable you to change direction easily.

  • Cradle the ball in the toe of your stick, moving it where you want it to go while advancing up the field.

  • I would rate myself a 10 out of 10 for this skill as it was my best skill out of all of them.

  • Friday, 14 January 2011

    Slap Shot

    there are many different things you need to include when taking a slap shot in hockey
    Skate to within a reasonable shooting distance from the goal.

  • Position your body sideways to the net and in a normal passing stance - skates parallel, knees bent, back bent forward, stick extended, blade edge flat on the ice (or roller rink) and puck cradled in the center of the blade.

  • Raise the stick up and straight back until your bottom hand is at shoulder level.

  • Keep your bottom arm straight.

  • Shift your weight to the back foot.

  • Raise your eyes, and mark the desired target (an open edge of the gop]al, not an opponent's helmet).

  • Bring the stick aggressively forward: Pull with your top hand, push with the bottom hand.

  • Transfer your weight to the front foot.

  • Strike the puck on its bottom edge.

  • reverse stick tackle

    Backhand hitTo practice this skill in pairs.
    One of the players passes the ball towards the reverse stick side of the other player this player tries to block the ball to the forehand side with one touch (flat stick on the ground) and passes the ball back
    then the player with the ball runs towards the defender and the defender will perform a reverse stick tackle being sure to keep the stick low to the ground and there hands in the correct position.
    defender runns away with the ball and the roles reversed.
    This is one of my average skills i was ok at the reverse stick tackcle i would give myself a 7/10 rating.